Statistics for ENECOMP2009 Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Dec 2011 554 0 0 226 WebHome
 66 WebTopicCreator
 63 WebStatistics
 39 WebPreferences
 32 WebChanges
 27 WebSearch
 18 WebTopicList
 18 WebNotify
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 WebIndex
 12 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
Nov 2011 356 0 0 156 WebHome
 53 WebTopicCreator
 34 WebStatistics
 20 WebSearch
 19 WebPreferences
 16 WebNotify
 13 WebTopicList
 12 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 WebChanges
  6 MaterialDeDivulgacao
  5 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
Oct 2011 420 0 0 109 WebHome
 65 WebStatistics
 53 WebTopicCreator
 29 WebChanges
 25 WebSearch
 20 WebNotify
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
 12 WebTopicList
 12 MaterialDeDivulgacao
  9 WebIndex
Sep 2011 283 0 0  84 WebHome
 65 WebTopicCreator
 33 WebStatistics
 13 WebNotify
 12 WebCSS
 11 WebTopicList
 11 WebSearch
 10 MaterialDeDivulgacao
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
  8 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
  8 WebChanges
Aug 2011 253 0 0 101 WebHome
 43 WebTopicCreator
 14 MaterialDeDivulgacao
 11 WebTopicList
 10 WebNotify
 10 WebChanges
 10 WebStatistics
  9 WebSearch
  8 WebPreferences
  7 WebIndex
  7 WebLeftBar
Jul 2011 388 0 0  73 WebTopicCreator
 56 WebHome
 36 WebStatistics
 35 WebSearch
 10 WebNotify
  7 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
  7 WebLeftBar
  6 WebChanges
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebCSS
  2 OrganizacaoIndex
Jun 2011 289 0 0 100 WebHome
 48 WebTopicCreator
 27 WebStatistics
 24 WebPreferences
 20 WebChanges
 15 WebSearch
 11 WebNotify
  7 WebLeftBar
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WebTopicList
  6 MaterialDeDivulgacao
May 2011 22 0 0  11 WebHome
  3 OrganizacaoIndex
  2 WebSearch
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebTopicCreator
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebPreferences
Apr 2011 118 0 0  33 WebHome
 21 WebTopicCreator
  7 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
  7 WebPreferences
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebStatistics
  5 WebChanges
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebCSS
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebTopicList
Mar 2011 137 0 0  46 WebHome
 25 WebTopicCreator
 10 WebStatistics
 10 WebCSS
  8 WebChanges
  7 WebSearch
  5 WebPreferences
  4 WebTopicList
  4 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
  4 WebNotify
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Feb 2011 214 0 0  92 WebHome
 26 WebTopicCreator
 17 WebStatistics
 12 WebPreferences
 12 WebChanges
 11 WebNotify
  9 WebSearch
  6 WebTopicList
  5 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebIndex
Jan 2011 177 0 0  86 WebHome
 17 WebTopicCreator
 12 WebChanges
 11 WebPreferences
 11 WebStatistics
  8 WebTopicList
  6 WebNotify
  5 WebSearch
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebLeftBar
  3 WebCSS
Dec 2010 101 0 0  36 WebHome
 18 WebTopicCreator
  7 WebSearch
  7 WebNotify
  7 WebStatistics
  7 WebChanges
  3 WebTopicList
  3 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebIndex
  2 MaterialDeDivulgacao
Nov 2010 183 0 0  47 WebHome
 22 WebStatistics
 18 WebTopicCreator
 15 WebPreferences
 12 WebNotify
 12 WebSearch
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebIndex
  7 WebChanges
  6 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
  5 MaterialDeDivulgacao
Sep 2010 219 0 0  58 WebHome
 35 WebTopicCreator
 19 WebNotify
 19 WebStatistics
 18 WebChanges
 14 WebSearch
 12 WebPreferences
  9 WebTopicList
  8 WebLeftBar
  5 WebIndex
  3 MaterialDeDivulgacao
Aug 2010 344 0 0  70 WebTopicCreator
 53 WebStatistics
 50 WebHome
 34 WebPreferences
 16 WebChanges
 12 WebTopicList
 10 WebNotify
  8 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
  8 WebSearch
  5 OrganizacaoCartazes
  5 OrganizacaoIndex
Jul 2010 479 0 0 218 WebStatistics
 65 WebHome
 32 WebSearch
 27 WebChanges
 20 WebPreferences
 19 WebNotify
 18 WebSearchAdvanced
 18 WebTopicCreator
 15 WebIndex
 11 WebTopicList
 11 WebLeftBar
Jun 2010 594 0 0 330 WebStatistics
 59 WebHome
 29 WebTopicCreator
 27 WebSearch
 26 WebPreferences
 16 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 WebChanges
 14 WebNotify
 13 WebLeftBar
 12 WebIndex
 11 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
May 2010 423 0 0 192 WebStatistics
 55 WebTopicCreator
 53 WebHome
 15 WebPreferences
 14 WebChanges
  8 WebIndex
  8 WebNotify
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WebLeftBar
  5 WebSearch
  3 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
Apr 2010 266 0 0 117 WebStatistics
 61 WebHome
 18 WebTopicCreator
 12 WebPreferences
 11 WebChanges
  7 WebTopicList
  7 WebNotify
  4 WebLeftBar
  3 OrganizacaoLogisticaMaterialEscritorio
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebCSS
Mar 2010 1062 2 1 646 WebStatistics
148 WebPreferences
 83 WebHome
 49 WebTopicCreator
 26 WebNotify
 21 WebChanges
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 WebSearch
 11 WebIndex
  8 WebLeftBar
  7 WebTopicList
  3 PauloSantana
Feb 2010 1487 0 0 881 WebStatistics
208 WebPreferences
 81 WebHome
 75 WebTopicCreator
 38 WebSearch
 30 WebNotify
 27 WebChanges
 24 WebTopicList
 18 WebIndex
 17 WebLeftBar
 16 WebSearchAdvanced
Jan 2010 1481 0 0 748 WebStatistics
268 WebPreferences
129 WebHome
 83 WebTopicCreator
 38 WebNotify
 31 WebChanges
 25 WebSearch
 24 WebLeftBar
 20 WebSearchAdvanced
 17 WebTopicList
 17 WebIndex
Dec 2009 1133 4 2 507 WebStatistics
200 WebPreferences
 78 WebHome
 77 WebTopicCreator
 38 WebSearch
 34 WebNotify
 31 WebLeftBar
 22 WebIndex
 22 WebChanges
 21 WebSearchAdvanced
 16 WebTopicList
  6 PauloSantana
Nov 2009 1165 34 0 533 WebStatistics
143 OrganizacaoEmpresasPatrocinadoras
110 WebPreferences
 78 WebTopicCreator
 67 WebHome
 35 WebSearch
 23 WebChanges
 22 WebNotify
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 WebLeftBar
 13 WebTopicList
 34 PauloSantana
Oct 2009 653 1 0 269 WebStatistics
 79 WebTopicCreator
 79 WebHome
 38 WebPreferences
 26 WebSearch
 21 WebChanges
 19 WebNotify
 14 WebTopicList
 10 WebCSS
  9 WebIndex
  8 WebLeftBar
  1 PauloSantana
Sep 2009 626 10 0 170 WebStatistics
 89 WebHome
 84 WebTopicCreator
 27 WebPreferences
 18 OrganizacaoIndex
 17 OrganizacaoCertificados
 16 WebChanges
 15 WebNotify
 15 WebSearch
 14 OrganizacaoTemario
 12 WebTopicList
  9 PauloSantana
  1 JulianaTibaes
Aug 2009 1522 158 2 224 WebStatistics
222 OrganizacaoProgramacao
202 OrganizacaoTemario
164 WebHome
118 OrganizacaoIndex
107 WebTopicCreator
 70 WebPreferences
 29 WebSearch
 23 WebTopicList
 21 WebChanges
 20 WebNotify
135 PauloSantana
 20 JulianaTibaes
  3 FelipeWiel
  1 ArthurFurlan
  1 CarolComandulli
Jul 2009 1763 208 8 546 OrganizacaoTemario
224 WebStatistics
213 WebHome
135 OrganizacaoIndex
 98 OrganizacaoCartazes
 84 WebPreferences
 64 WebTopicCreator
 59 OrganizacaoProgramacao
 25 WebNotify
 24 GradeProgramacao
 23 AgenciaPassagens
145 PauloSantana
 64 JulianaTibaes
  5 CarolComandulli
  2 ArthurFurlan
Jun 2009 1216 61 0 321 WebStatistics
153 WebHome
 92 WebTopicCreator
 83 WebPreferences
 62 OrganizacaoIndex
 41 OrganizacaoTemario
 33 OrganizacaoDespesas
 30 GradeProgramacao
 29 WebChanges
 28 WebTopicList
 25 WebNotify
 51 PauloSantana
  6 ThiagoMendes
  3 FelipeWiel
  1 JulianaTibaes
May 2009 1133 91 0 401 WebStatistics
118 WebHome
 78 OrganizacaoProgramacao
 66 OrganizacaoIndex
 60 WebTopicCreator
 50 OrganizacaoToDo
 49 WebPreferences
 20 AtaReuniao20090521
 19 SobreOEvento
 18 WebChanges
 16 GradeProgramacao
 84 PauloSantana
  4 ThiagoMendes
  2 FelipeWiel
  1 ArthurFurlan
Apr 2009 1463 154 7 255 WebHome
200 WebStatistics
125 WebTopicCreator
120 OrganizacaoProgramacao
 87 OrganizacaoIndex
 46 WebNotify
 43 WebSearch
 40 WebChanges
 37 OrganizacaoTemario
 37 OrganizacaoToDo
 35 AtaReuniao20090402
156 PauloSantana
  2 ArthurFurlan
  2 ThiagoMendes
  1 JulianaTibaes
Mar 2009 314 0 0 185 WebHome
 32 OrganizacaoProgramacao
 19 WebTopicCreator
 10 WebTopicList
  9 WebNotify
  7 OrganizacaoIndex
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebSearch
  5 WebStatistics
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 WebChanges

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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
Topic revision: r1 - 06 Jan 2012, UnknownUser
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