You are here: Foswiki>TWiki Web>WebChanges (22 Jan 2018, UnknownUser)Edit Attach

50 recent changes in TWiki Web retrieved at 14:24 (GMT)

Foswiki's TWiki web
TWiki Web Home The TWiki web is required only for the .TWikiCompatibilityPlugin, and any installed legacy TWiki plugins to work. Please do not add any content to...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
* .WikiGuest * .WikiGuest example #64;
" else="Foswiki's TWiki web"}% /TWiki
Preferences * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #FFD8AA * Set SITEMAPWHAT = * Set SITEMAPUSETO = Don't advertise the TWiki Compatibility web * Set SITEMAPLIS...
FreeSkin Introduction FreeSkin is a skin developed for support total freedom in TWiki webs design. It's based on FlexibleSkin, and aims to support: * layout d...
Number of topics: 13

See also: rss-small RSS feed, recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes
Topic revision: r1 - 22 Jan 2018, UnknownUser
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