*                                                                       *
*                  Sinorcaish Screen-based Style Sheet                  *
*                   Copyright (C) 2004, John Zaitseff                   *
*                                                                       *

/* Author:  John Zaitseff <J.Zaitseff@zap.org.au>
   Version: 1.0

   $ZAPGroupID: sinorcaish/sinorcaish-screen.css,v 1.33 2004/11/18 00:44:33 john Exp $

   This file provides the Sinorcaish style sheet for screen-based user
   agents (ie, for ordinary Web browsers).  This file conforms to the
   Cascading Style Sheets 2.1 specification.

   The design of Sinorcaish is influenced by Sinorca (available from the
   Open Source Web Design site, http://www.oswd.org/), which in turn is
   based on the Acronis company web site (http://www.acronis.com).  You
   can find more information about this design from its home page on the
   ZAP Group web site, http://www.zap.org.au/documents/styles/sinorcaish/.

   This file may be redistributed and/or modified on the condition that
   the original copyright notice is retained.

/********** Global Styles **********/

            /* The global font size is set to 90% as   */
            /* most browsers' normal font is too large */
body {
   font-family:     Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
   font-size:       12px;   /* Allow IE/Win to resize the document */
   color:           black;
   background:      #F0F0F0;
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0;
   border:          none;

.hidden {         /* Used for content that should be displayed */
            /* by non-stylesheet-aware browsers          */
   display:         none !important;

.notprinted {         /* Used for content that should not be */
}            /* printed to paper                    */

/* Headings */

h1,            /* Headings (H1-H6) should only be used in */
h2,            /* the main content area                   */
h3 {
   font-weight:     bold;
   text-align:      left;
   margin:          1.5em 0 0 0;
   padding:         0;

h6 {
   font-weight:     bold;
   text-align:      left;
   margin:          1.25em 0 0 0;
   padding:         0;

h1 { font-size:     175% }
h2 { font-size:     145% }
h3 { font-size:     120% }
h4 { font-size:     105% }
h5 { font-size:     80%  }
h6 { font-size:     65%  }

/* Anchors */

a:link {
   text-decoration: none;
   color:           #000099;
   background:      transparent;
   font-weight:     bold;

a:visited {
   text-decoration: none;
   color:           #000099;
   background:      transparent;
   font-weight:     bold;

a:active {
   text-decoration: underline;

/* Inline elements and classes */

            /* This style sheet assumes B, BIG, EM, I, */
            /* SMALL, STRONG, SUB and SUP are defined  */
            /* by the browser as per the HTML4 sample  */
            /* style sheet.                            */
tt {
   font-family:     "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
   font-size:       110%;   /* Courier tends to be a little too small */

code.markup,         /* HTML/CSS markup */
span.markup,         /* Alternative form for HTML/CSS markup */
.title {         /* Title in floating boxes / left sidebar */
   font-weight:     bolder;

acronym {
   font:            inherit;   /* Don't use small-caps, etc. */

.tooltip {
   cursor:          help;
   border-bottom:   1px dotted #CCCCCC;

acronym[title] {
   cursor:          help;
   border-bottom:   1px dotted #CCCCCC;

.fn,            /* Filename */
.url,            /* Uniform Resource Locator */
.email {         /* E-mail address */
   font-style:      italic;

.clearboxes {         /* Clear navboxes and floatboxes */
   clear:           right;

.unicode {
   font-family:     "Arial Unicode MS", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

/* Block-inline elements */

img {
   vertical-align:  baseline;
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0;
   border:          none;

img.left {         /* Left-floating images */
   margin:          0.75em 1.5em 0.75em 0;
   float:           left;

img.right {         /* Right-floating images */
   margin:          0.75em 0 0.75em 1.5em;
   float:           right;

img.icon16[src] {      /* For 16x16 file-type icons */
   vertical-align:  -10%;   /* IE/Win cannot handle negative percentages */

del * {            /* Required for Mozilla */
   text-decoration: line-through;

ins * {            /* Required for Mozilla */
   text-decoration: underline;

/* Block elements */

p {
   margin:          1em 0;
   padding:         0;

blockquote {         /* Should only be used in main content area, */
            /* floating boxes or left sidebar.           */
   margin:          1em 2.5em;
   padding:         0;

pre {            /* Should only be used in main content area  */
            /* and floating boxes.                       */
   line-height:     1.1;
   margin:          1em 2.5em;
   padding:         0;

hr {
   color:           #999999;
   background:      transparent;
   height:          1px;   /* Required for IE/Win */
   margin:          1em 0;
   padding:         0;
   border-color:    #999999;
   border-width:    1px;
   border-style:    none none solid none;

hr.lighter {         /* Warning: not printed out on paper */
   color:           #F0F0F0;
   background:      transparent;
   border-color:    #F0F0F0;

/* Lists */

ol {
   list-style:      decimal outside;
   margin:          1em 0;
   padding:         0 0 0 2.5em;

ol.alpha {
   list-style-type: lower-alpha;

ol.number {
   list-style-type: decimal;

ul {
   list-style:      square outside;
   margin:          1em 0;
   padding:         0 0 0 2.5em;

ol ol,
ol ul,
ul ol,
ul ul {
   margin-top:      0;
   margin-bottom:   0;

ol ul,            /* Override possible browser styles */
ol ol ul,
ol ul ul,
ul ul,
ul ol ul,
ul ul ul {
   list-style:      square outside;

li {
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0;

dl {
   margin:          1em 0;
   padding:         0;

dt {
   font:            inherit;   /* Don't make the text bold by default */
   margin:          1em 0 0.25em 0;
   padding:         0;

dd {
   margin:          0 0 1em 2.5em;
   padding:         0;

/* Tables */
            /* Tables should never be used for visual */
            /* formatting: that is the role of CSS!   */

table.simple {
   color:           inherit;
   background:      inherit;   /* Don't make tables transparent */
   border-collapse: collapse;
   border-spacing:  0;
   empty-cells:     show;
   margin:          0.5em 2.5em;
   padding:         0;
   border:          1px solid #999999;

table.simple caption {
   text-align:      center;
   caption-side:    top;
   margin:          0 2.5em 0.75em;
   padding:         0;
   border:          none;

table.simple td,
table.simple th {
   text-align:      center;
   vertical-align:  middle;
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0.25em 0.5em;
   border:          1px solid #999999;

table.simple th,
table.simple td.highlight,
table.simple th.highlight {
   font-weight:     bold;
   color:           inherit;
   background:      #F0F0F0;

table.simple td.lighter,
table.simple th.lighter {
   color:           inherit;
   background:      #F8F8F8;

table.simple td.left,
table.simple th.left {
   text-align:      left;

table.simple td.center,
table.simple th.center {
   text-align:      center;

table.simple td.right,
table.simple th.right {
   text-align:      right;

/* The following HTML elements should NOT be used in documents using this
   style sheet:

       address - use the #footer style instead
       q       - use &ldquo; and &rdquo; instead

/********** Styles for Main Content **********/

#main {
   text-align:      justify;
   line-height:     1.5;
   color:           black;
   background:      white;
   margin:          0 0 0 12.5em;
   padding:         0.25em 1.5em 0.5em 1em;
   border:          1px solid #999999;

#main h1 {         /* Should be used once, following navhead */
   color:           #999999;
   background:      transparent;
   margin:          0 0 0.5em 0;

#main .highlight {      /* Highlight box (for warnings, etc) */
   color:           inherit;
   background:      #F0F0F0;
   margin:          1em 0;
   padding:         1em 2.5em;
   border:          1px solid #999999;

#main .totop {         /* For "Top ^" lines in FAQs, etc */
   font-size:       90%;
   text-align:      right;
   margin:          -0.75em 0 1em 0;
   padding:         0 0 0.25em 0;
   border-bottom:   1px solid #F0F0F0;

#main table.simple td.highlight,  /* Else "#main .highlight" will override */
#main table.simple th.highlight {
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0.25em 0.5em;

/* Other styles related to the main content */

#mainlink {         /* "Skip to main content" link */
   display:         none !important;

#navhead {         /* "Path to this page" information */
            /* Warning: not printed out on paper */
   font-size:       90%;

#navhead hr {
   display:         none;

#endmain {
   visibility:      hidden;
   clear:           both;   /* Doesn't always work under IE/Win */

/********** Styles for Floating Boxes **********/

            /* "navbox" is used to provide intra/inter- */
            /* page links; it is NOT printed out on     */
            /* paper.  "floatbox" is used to provide    */
            /* floating boxes that may appear anywhere  */
            /* in the main content; they ARE printed.   */
.navbox {
   overflow:        visible;
   font-size:       95%;
   line-height:     1.25;
   margin:          0 0 0.75em 1.5em;
   padding:         0.5em 1em;
   border:          1px solid #999999;
   float:           right;
   clear:           right;

.floatbox {
   color:           black;
   background:      #F0F0F0;
   width:           35%;

.navbox {
   text-align:      left;
   color:           black;
   background:      white;
   width:           12.5em;

.floatbox hr,         /* Used for non-stylesheet-aware browsers */
.navbox hr {
   display:         none !important;

.floatbox p,
.navbox p {
   margin:          0.75em 0;
   padding:         0;

.floatbox ol,
.floatbox ul {
   margin:          0.75em 0;
   padding:         0 0 0 1.5em;

.navbox ol,
.navbox ul {
   margin:          0.5em 0;
   padding:         0 0 0 1.5em;

.floatbox blockquote {
   margin:          0.75em 1.5em;
   padding:         0;

.floatbox pre {
   font-size:       95%;
   margin:          0.75em 1.5em;
   padding:         0;

.floatbox dt {
   margin:          0.75em 0;
   padding:         0;

.floatbox dt {
   margin:          0.75em 0 0.25em 0;
   padding:         0;

.floatbox dd {
   margin:          0 0 0.75em 1.5em;
   padding:         0;

#main .floatbox .highlight {
   color:           inherit;
   background:      white;
   margin:          0.75em 0;
   padding:         0.75em 1.5em;

#main .floatbox table.simple {
   margin:          0.75em 0;

#main .floatbox table.simple th,
#main .floatbox table.simple td.highlight,
#main .floatbox table.simple th.highlight {
   color:           inherit;
   background:      white;
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0.25em 0.5em;

/********** Styles for Header **********/

            /* In this style sheet, headers are composed */
            /* of three parts: left, right and subheader */
            /* Left part is ideally an image.            */

#header {         /* Warning: not printed out on paper */
   color:           #003399;
   background:      #009933;

#header a:link,
#header a:visited {
   color:           white;
   background:      transparent;

#header .highlight,
#header a.highlight:link,
#header a.highlight:visited {
   color:           white;
   background:      transparent;

/* Left part of header (ideally an image but may be a link) */

#header div.left {
   float:           left;
   clear:           left;

#header div.left img {
   display:         block;   /* Otherwise IMG is an inline, causing gaps */

#header div.left,
#header div.left a:link,
#header div.left a:visited {
   font-size:       180%;
   font-weight:     bold;
   text-decoration: none;
   color:           white;
   background:      transparent;

#header div.left p {
   margin:          0 0 0 0.25em;
   padding:         0;

#header div.left .alt {
   color:           #FF9800;
   background:      transparent;

/* Right part of header is for external/global links, search, etc */

#header div.right {
   font-size:       90%;
   text-align:      right;
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0.5em 1.67em 0 1em;
   float:           right;
   clear:           right;

#header div.right a:link,
#header div.right a:visited {
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0 0.5em;

#header div.right form {
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0.25em 0 0 0;

#header div.right form input {
   font-size:       95%;
   vertical-align:  middle;

/* Subheader for global links */

#header div.subheader {
   color:           white;
   font-weight:     bolder;
   background:      #000099;
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0.25em 1.5em 0.5em 0.5em; /* For IE/Win */
   clear:           both;

#header > div.subheader {
   padding:         0.5em 1.5em 0.5em 0.5em; /* For all other browsers */

#header div.subheader a:link,
#header div.subheader a:visited {
   font-weight:     bolder;
   color:           white;
   background:      transparent;
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0; 

#header div.subheader .highlight,
#header div.subheader a.highlight:link,
#header div.subheader a.highlight:visited {
   color:           #FDA05E;
   background:      transparent;

/********** Styles for Left Sidebar **********/

#sidebar {         /* Warning: not printed out on paper */
   width:           12.5em;
   border-right:    1px solid #999999;
   float:           left;
   clear:           both;

#sidebar div {
   font-size:       95%;
   text-align:      left;
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0.5em 1em;
   border-bottom:   1px solid #999999;

#sidebar div.lighter {
   color:           inherit;
   background:      white;

#sidebar p {
   margin:          0.5em 0;

#sidebar .title a:link,
#sidebar .title a:visited {
   color:           black;
   background:      transparent;

#sidebar ul {
   list-style:      none outside;
   margin:          0.5em 0;
   padding:         0;

#sidebar ul li {
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0.125em 0;
   font-size:       100%;

#sidebar ul li.highlight {
   color:           inherit;
   background:      white;
   margin-left:     -1em;
   margin-right:    -1em;
   padding-left:    1em;
   border-top:      1px solid #999999;
   border-bottom:   1px solid #999999;

#sidebar ul li.highlight a:link,
#sidebar ul li.highlight a:visited {
   color:           black;
   background:      transparent;

/********** Styles for Footer **********/

#footer {
   font-size:       90%;
   text-align:      left;
   color:           white;
   background:      #009933;
   margin:          0;
   padding:         0.5em 1.67em 0.5em 15.25em;
   clear:           both;

#footer a:link,
#footer a:visited {
   text-decoration: underline;
   color:           white;
   background:      transparent;

#footer hr {
   display:         none !important;

/* End of the Sinorcaish style sheet */


-- PauloSantana - 07 Jun 2005