, ExpenseReport
, InfoCategory
, RecordReview
, whatever you need.
, Type
, Size
, Values
, and Tooltip message
(see sample below).
| *Name* | *Type* | *Size* | *Values* | *Tooltip message* |
| TopicClassification | select | 1 | NoDisclosure, PublicSupported, PublicFAQ | blah blah... |
| OperatingSystem | checkbox | 3 | OsHPUX, OsLinux, OsSolaris, OsWin | blah blah... |
| OsVersion | text | 16 | | blah blah... |
topic defines the Form, ex: YourFormTemplate
Example: WebFormTemplate
- WebFormTemplate main definition:
Leave the
field blank.
- TopicClassification field value definition:
links can be used to force a link (at present, the [[...][...]]
format is not supported).
Tooltip message
column is used as a tooltip for the field name (only if field name is a WikiName) - you only see the tooltip In edit.
, with field=value
, or, for checkboxes, field=1
variable in WebPreferences is optional and defines a list of possible form templates. Example: WEBFORMS
enabled, an extra button is added to the edit view. If the topic doesn't have a Form, an Add Form button appears at the end of the topic. If a Form is present, a Change button appears in the top row of the Form. The buttons open a screen that enables selection of a form specified in WEBFORMS
, or the No form option.
topic in a web and adding a form to it. Initial Form values can be set there.
parameter in the URL. Initial values can then be provided in the URLs or as form values: name
, ex: ?BugPriority=1
, ex: ?ColorRed=1
variable defines alternative forms that can be selected by pressing Change in edit mode.
topic where you can create new expense reports, a SubmitVacationRequest
topic, and so on. These can specify the required template topic with its associated form.
variables in Macros, and Wiki Formatted Search for various options.
. The replacement Form Template must be set as the first item in the WebPreferences variable WEBFORMS
. If missing, pages will display, but attempting to edit results in an error message.
The new Form Template system should work with old Category Table data with no special conversion. Data is assigned to Meta variables the first time an imported topic is edited and saved in the new system.
{3 spaces}* Set
| *Name*|*Type*|*Size*|*Value*|*Tooltip message*|*Attributes*|
| WEBTOPICLIST |textarea| | | List of topics of the %WEB% web |S|
| SITEMAPLIST |select |3| on, | list this web in the Site Map |S|
| SITEMAPWHAT |textarea| | | short web summary |S|
| WEBBGCOLOR |text |8| | Web specific background color |S|
stuff, and set as you like
attribute has been specified (S for Setting).
If you change the form, the changes will not take affect until you edit and save the preferences' topics again.
Using the Foswiki:Extensions.EditTablePlugin on WebPreferencesForm makes adding new prefedrences a breeze.
A possibly unwanted side effect for using forms for the SKINS setting in their personal user topic: because the User Preferences are final you can't have different skins for different webs as the user's setting always wins. A workaround is to simply omit SKIN in the form.
Another example, this one using EditTablePlugin, source:
%EDITTABLE{ header="|*Name*|*Type*|*Size*|*Values*|*Tooltip message*|*Attributes*|" format="|text,20|text,20|text,20|text,20|text,20|text,1|" }%
Result (after some editing):
-- Wiki:Main.JohnTalintyre - 16 Aug 2001